East Nagach MMO Monk
SonOfBaz’s Townhall

Greeting noble beings, I am called, SonOfBaz. I am a freed avatar. This is my ongoing Sci-Fi story.

The Mercantile Monastic Order is a discipline or a way of life that follows the principles and practices of Fair Trade. We study fractions and other arcane math knowledge. We are fair per fair trade exchange ratios but in order to live we markup off of fair. This means that we also study decimals and percentages and its special symbol, %

Okay, Son; the following stuff needs to be moved. It’s microscopic. You need macro here.

The core of MMO belief system is the cost of goods and how we fairly exchange them. Goods cost the producer precious Coins and Supplies (or, C&S). All goods! Hence one can compute the relative value or ratios of any two goods by relating back to their C&S value. Oh yeah, note that monks normally just use “coin” or “coins” instead of C&S or Coins and Supplies. The latter two are just too tedious. Observe if you know the cost of two goods, any two goods, you can determine their trade fair exchange ratios. Observe, per the first two tek levels, Bronze and Iron Ages.

1 Marble costs 20 coins
1 Cloth costs 40 coins

Clearly Cloth costs twice as much as Marble; hence, the ratio between the Bronze Age and the Iron Age is 2:1. This is for fair trade. Fair trade is usually only done inguild or between trade partners. In the outguild market, there is no such thing as fair except as the fulcrum upon which real trades are made.

Most notorious class of traders are called, “Traditional Fair Traders”. These are traders who apply the maximum allowed trade ratio of 2:1 (Rate 2) across all tek levels regardless of their actual costs. If you’re a “mathematical” trader like monks you need to know when the ratio changes from 2:1.

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I’m studying WordPress. It’s an open source Content Management System (i.e. a website builder). Not sure where this will go.
